Account of Green GDP Adjusted by Natural Resource Cost and Environment Pollution Losses in Xinjiang Province 新疆自然资源损耗和环境污染的绿色GDP核算
The analysis of the transfer of China's environment pollution from the perspective of economic sociology 经济社会学视角下的我国环境污染转移问题分析
Causality Test on the Processing Trade and Environment Pollution in China 我国加工贸易与环境污染的因果关系检验
The country has moved into a new stage in ecological conservation, environment pollution control and disaster prevention. 生态建设、环境污染治理和灾害防御进入了新的阶段。
Application of Factor Analysis Model in Thematic Mapping on Environment Pollution 因子分析模型在环境污染专题制图中的应用
Several New Techniques for Research on Environment Pollution Remediation Treatment and Detection 几种新的用于环境污染修复处理与检测技术的研究
The common calcium carbonate filling masterbatch has more calcium carbonate separated out, more dust and heavy environment pollution. 普通碳酸钙填充母料碳酸钙析出多、粉尘大、环境污染较重。
The fan can change the environment temperature without environment pollution caused by chemical cooling agent. 没有化学制冷剂对环境的污染;
Systematical Analysis on Prevention and Cure Strategy of Environment Pollution in China Countryside 对我国农村环境污染防治对策的系统分析
The city water consumption and waste water discharge rises continuously in Daqing city, which has resulted in shortage of water resources and severe environment pollution. 大庆市城市用水量和污水排放量不断增加,造成水资源紧缺,环境污染日益严重。
Compared with the method to arrange a button battery to illume, the utility model not only reduces the expense of the people, but also prevents the environment pollution problem caused by the battery. 与在钥匙上设有纽扣电池的照明方法相比,这种方法不仅降低了人们的应用开支,且也避免了由电池带来的环境污染。
The problem of environment pollution or equipment damage caused by the overflow of the pulverous material or the high concentration gas-solid mixture is overcome. 解决了粉状物料或高浓度气固混合物溢流而造成环境污染或设备损坏的问题。
Impact on the transfer of environment pollution on the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers 试析环境污染转移对消费者合法权益保护的影响
The environment pollution in Hengshui urban area is more serious, the economic loss caused by it is enormous. 衡水市区的水污染是比较严重的,其造成的经济损失是巨大的。
Sixthly, China should develop environment pollution liability insurance and other insurance products. 第六,开发环境污染责任保险等保险品种。
Having not equipped and used pollution prevention facilities, equipment and fittings as required, and thus causing environment pollution; 未按规定要求配备和使用防污设施、设备和器材,造成环境污染的;
Considering the particularity of the environment pollution tort, this paper mainly discusses evidence law problems. 摘要本文立足于环境污染侵权行的特殊性,探讨此类诉讼中的证据法问题。
Impact of Large-scale Dairy Farm on Environment Pollution and Its Control 规模化奶牛养殖场对环境污染的影响与防治
Closure engineering design of Taiyuan City Shanzhuangtou Domestic Waste Landfill Site, and management of landfill site and control measure of environment pollution were introduced. 介绍了太原市山庄头生活垃圾卫生填埋场的封场工程设计,以及封场后的垃圾场区管理及其环境污染控制措施。
Municipal Solid Waste cased emergency environment pollution problems and urban space resource allocation problem in the process of urbanization. 城市生活垃圾处理是城镇化进程中的一个难题,所带来的生态环境污染问题和城市空间资源分配问题日益严峻。
Flameproof and Intrinsically Safe sound and light production device will not voice signals to the environment pollution. 矿用隔爆兼本安型声光语音信号器的生产不会给环境带来污染。
Our following generation ( offspring) will be victimized by the environment pollution we made today. 我们的子孙后代将成为我们今天环境污染的受害者。
Increased investment in environmental protection has played a positive role in controlling environment pollution and improving environment quality. 环保投入的增加,对控制环境污染,改善环境质量起到积极的作用。
This method could not only reduce the cost of testing, but also diminish environment pollution. 同时镉柱可再生重复使用,既降低了分析成本又减少了环境污染。
However, unreasonable development and utilization of the resources have caused increasing environment pollution, and even hold up the sustainable development of economy. 然而资源不合理开发利用导致环境污染问题日趋严重,以至于影响到经济社会的可持续发展。
Normal processing mode for these scattered gas is burning or relief mainly now, which will make more environment pollution and resource waste. 目前,对这些零散气的常规处理方式主要是点火炬燃烧或放空,这加剧了环境污染和资源浪费。
Industrialization, Industry Structure and Environment Pollution& Based on Manufacturing Industry and Regional Panel Model 工业化进程、产业结构与环境污染&基于制造业行业和区域的面板数据模型
This scientist published a series of papers recently about how to protect the environment pollution. 这位科学家最近就如何防止环境污染问题发表了一系列的文章。
Abstract: using economical principles, this article analyses the cause of environment pollution and economics countermeasures, studies the exchange theories of pollutant discharge quota and optimization mechanism of market, and the feasibility of building exchange market is explained. 文摘:利用经济学原理,分析了环境污染产生的原因和经济学对策,对排污权交易理论和市场优化机制进行了研究,并说明我国建立排污权交易市场的可行性。
Please use placemat, avoid environment pollution. 使用时请用垫布等,避免污染环境。